An easy, fast and affordable way of learning about cyber security

Your staff are your last line of defence in the fight against cyber criminals

Many of today’s cyber-attacks like phishing, ransomware and fraud can bypass normal IT protection. All it takes is for a staff member to click on the wrong link or attachment and ransomware will start to encrypt your data and systems. Staff could also enter their username or password into a fake webpage, or be tricked into paying money to the wrong bank account.

Your staff can be the weakest link in your cyber security, or they can be your best defence. By providing them with the training they need to understand, spot and prevent cyber-attacks you will significantly reduce the risk to your business.

Our course is designed to be easy to use, and can be accessed from PCs/Macs, tablets and smartphones. We offer a flexible training programme to allow staff to leave part way through and to resume later at their, or your, convenience. New staff can undertake the course as part of their induction and we can provide a report on the progress of each staff member as they complete the course.

Increase cybersecurity awareness

Our course takes your staff through an introduction to cyber security and then provides in depth information on how to spot and protect against different types of attacks. To engage your staff we also include a lesson on how they can protect themselves at home.

Introduction to Cyber Security

In this lesson staff will learn about the cyber security threats that organisations face, why they exist, and some ways they can start to protect themselves at work and at home.

Email Security

This lesson focuses on email attacks - what they are, how they happen, how to spot them, and what a person should do if they have clicked on a suspicious link or attachment. We provide examples of phishing emails to increase awareness and provide a further level of comfort and understanding.

Browsing the web

A lesson designed to teach/inform staff how to protect their computer and your business when browsing the web, and how to identify secure websites. Your business will benefit from staff being more cautious, and understanding the warning signs of an insecure website.

Protecting your work account

In this lesson staff will learn why criminals steal passwords and how to protect their work account and the confidential and private information that it can access. They will learn how to choose strong, unique and memorable passwords, add protection to mobile devices, and guard against scammers.


Email based fraud is an issue that affects every business. Staff will learn to identify how it happens, procedures to reduce risk, and what to do if funds have been transferred by mistake. A good level of understanding here is vital and after taking this lesson, staff should be confident in identifying the signs of fraud.

Privacy and confidentiality

In this lesson staff will learn how to protect valuable private and confidential information. It will explain the full extent of what is private and confidential, give examples of data breaches, and provide guidelines to reduce the risk of information being lost. We cover staff responsibilities based on NZ privacy law. Alternative lessons are available for organisations who also need to comply with Australian and/or European (GDPR) law.

Protecting yourself at home

By making staff aware of the risks in home computing, they will become more aware of those same risks at work. The more confident employees are, the more likely they will be to approach management to draw attention to potential cyber risks facing the business.

Scale your cyber security education with Secure Strategy

Providing security education to your staff can be challenging. Finding a solution that is flexible and affordable can be tricky.

Our cyber security course is hosted on our Learning Management System (LMS), ready for your staff to connect and start to increase their awareness.

If you already have a learning management system, we can provide our course in a format that you can import and use.

Short, focused and effective

Training should be fun, not boring. Our interactive lessons are 10-15 minutes long and focus on the real risks that organisations face.

Protecting your organisation takes a team

Any one of your staff could receive a phishing email. Training all your staff in cyber security increases your ability to spot and prevent attacks.

No longer optional

Cyber security training is recognised as an important layer in protecting against attacks. And many compliance programs (such as PCI DSS for credit cards) make training mandatory

Let us take care of things

By choosing to use our Learning Management System(LMS) we can create and manage a training portal for your company.

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